SANRAKSHAN – Pre And Post Disaster Management

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SANRAKSHAN – Pre & Post disaster management

India witnesses 79.10 lakh road accidents at an average of 9 crashes every 10 minutes. This shocking statistics is something that is extremely worrying. SIOL, in association with the government organisation and private agencies helps to work to control /reduce/stop these casualties from taking place.

SIOL works across multi-faced sectors which include Risk Management against both natural as well as Man-made Disasters. Road traffic safety, pre-disaster management (floods, earthquake, forest fire, etc) school safety, crowd management and crime prevention as well as post disaster Management.

Our motto is “Saving lives and livelihood”. SIOL has been a part of many successful projects where “Zero fatalities” was achieved.

To make an impact on reducing further road fatalities at much larger scale, Hazard mapping, data collection, analysis and adopting mitigation measures to reduce road fatality need to be undertaken on roads in the jurisdiction of different districts in a state to eliminate the risk.

The probability of exerting an impact and getting desired results will be greater when all the stake-holders of the society come together and work closely with experts or external researchers in designing programs and spreading awareness that effectively address the exact needs of road safety. The combination of interventions based on various successful programs tends to work better than individual interventions. Yet another area of concern is of people dying before reaching the hospital.

As per the government’s records a shocking 29% people die due to lack of First aid.

SIOL’s objective is to address this pre-hospital aspect of Life Saving by spreading awareness among the young people. The crucial moments between the actual accident and the transport of the victim to a hospital can spell the difference between survival and death. A person empowered with the knowledge of CPR, becomes skilled to administer first aid & help save many precious lives. Lives get affected due to famine as much as they do, due to floods. What’s shocking is that just between July and September at least 200 people died, a million people were displaced in thirteen states of India.